The Landmark Los Angeles

Renderings courtesy of Gensler

The Landmark Los Angeles is a 34-story, 376 apartment project nearing completion in West Los Angeles. It features extensive amenities, including a 1-acre park.

ZC Environmental (ZCE) has served as the project’s Mitigation Monitor since the start of construction in 2019. As required by the project entitlements, ZCE provides daily site monitoring whenever there is active construction, an unusual requirement, and has assisted with specific issues, such as construction noise abatement. In addition, ZCE documents compliance with all measures in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and files quarterly reports with the City of Los Angeles.



Daily mitigation monitoring & reporting.


Project Team

Client & Owner: Douglas Emmett
Architect: Gensler
Landscape Architect: SWA
Contractor: Matt Construction


Star Apartments


Westfield Century City